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Trigger a user-defined action when a user momentarily stops typing. We all know there’s a KeyDown/KeyUp/and TextChanged event, but when running database queries or filtering information, the event truly only needs to occur when the user pauses typing for a moment. This will speed-up queries, reduce CPU/memory bogging, and is an all-around better experience for the end-user. The XDSActiveTextField is fully customizable from background, border and text colors, to icon, borders thickness, and border radius. 

Version: 2023r1

Properties #

ActiveText as BooleanBorderThickness as IntegerIsEnabled as BooleanTextsize as Integer
BackColor as ColorFontName as StringText as String
BorderColor as ColorHasIcon as BooleanTextColor as Color
BorderRadius as IntegerIcon as PictureTextHint as String

Methods #


Events #

KeyPress(Key as String)TextChanged